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Natalie Bartosek

Member since


Hey! I'm Nat. I live in Montreal. I helped found the AV chapter here. I am also the AV Canada Regional Organizer.

I am also one of 12 defendants of the Pig Trial 4 farm occupation that resulted in a criminal trial last year (sentence pending).

Cannot wait for activism to be as big and bold as it was before all this virus craziness!

Natalie Bartosek's groups 1 group

Natalie Bartosek's friends 9 friends

Natalie Bartosek's stats

  • 0
    events attended
  • 0
    total actions
  • 0 hrs
    watch time

Natalie Bartosek's Inspiration Rate

People who took action as a result of their outreach (# of people who entered their code compared to their total # of conversations)

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